On the face of it Gary Lineker’s initial approach to being doorstepped as the furore gathered pace last week was a case study in how not to react…
(1) The “yes I would like to say something…a very good morning to you all” comes across as smug.

(2) The problem of giving an answer to a simple question (“(have) you spoken to the Director General?”) is that it opens the door to the harder question (“What did he say?”) which Lineker then refuses to answer.

(3) As he gets into the car journalists switch to quick yes or no questions, (“Do you regret sending the tweet?” “Do you stand by what you said?”). He may be happy with his responses but this is the worst time to make knee-jerk public statements fundamental to your future job prospects and reputation.

You may disagree. And Lineker has received praise for not allowing himself to be bullied by a press pack.

But bring doorstepped is a very difficult media encounter – impossible to know how stressful it is until you’ve felt what it’s like to be in the middle of one.

Be polite. Stay calm. Avoid “no comment” but don’t be bullied into answering questions. Which is exactly the tactic Lineker opted for 24 hours later. A smart suit and a courteous smile guaranteed a photo on every front page.