We are the UK’s leading provider of bespoke media training for experts.
This is what we believe:
“Excellent Course, well run by knowledgeable tutors.”
Tony Meggs
Chief Executive Infrastructure and Projects Authority

Chris Jameson
Chris has extensive experience as a senior BBC network producer and reporter. For ten years he worked at BBC Radio 5 Live on a range of programmes and as a reporter based in Japan. He has produced several major set-piece broadcasts for the network and his programmes have won several industry awards. For a number of years Chris also ran the communications team at international charity Peace Direct.
In his own words: “I’ve always loved and been fascinated by news. As a media trainer, demystifying the news process for people is hugely rewarding, as is sharing proven techniques enabling interviewees to connect with their audience”
What others say: “Chris is a creative, determined and thorough journalist. His ideas are original, his thought-process is clear and focussed, and he always delivers. I trust him implicitly and respect his work enormously. He’s also a lovely bloke to work alongside.” Victoria Derbyshire, Presenter BBC Television
Hannah Morrison
Having spent twenty years working in BBC newsrooms as a senior broadcast journalist, Hannah is passionate about making the news accessible to everyone. She has worked on some of the biggest national news programmes on radio, TV and online, with the largest part of her career at BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat as an editor, reporter, presenter and newsreader. Her skills lie in cutting through the complex issues to get to the most engaging content for all parts of the audience.
In her own words: “I believe everyone has something interesting to say but sometimes you just need a bit of help with how to say it. That’s where we come in as media trainers and it’s so wonderful to watch people grow in confidence in our sessions to become genuinely engaging story tellers in front of the camera and microphone.”
What others say: “Hannah has always had the ability to get the best out of interviewees, putting them quickly at ease and giving them the confidence to tell their stories in an authentic way that draws in the audience. She’s an excellent creative journalist who always strives to put real people at the heart of everything she does.”
Debbie Ramsay, Editor, 5 News

Tony Prideaux
Tony is an experienced broadcast journalist and communications specialist. He has worked extensively with the BBC and in the commercial sector primarily as a news reader and producer. In the course of his work at a large international agency he delivered keynotes to a range of audiences and continues to enjoy presenting to and facilitating conferences. His track record as a teacher across adult learning now informs his training style.
In his own words: “People appreciate honesty when coupled with clear pointers on how they can draw on their strengths to improve. That’s what I particularly enjoy – customising support to each individual delegate”
What others say: “I know delegates value Tony’s insights as an experienced broadcast journalist, but they also warm to him as a teacher. He ensures the interview simulations are set at the right level of challenge for each individual and is always astute and supportive in his feedback.”
Gary Hughes, Head of Press Relations, University of Kent