Sorry, it’s not what we do

“British politicians know perfectly well why the BBC avoids the word ‘terrorist’, and over the years plenty of them have privately agreed with it. Calling someone a terrorist means you’re taking sides and ceasing to treat the situation with due impartiality. The BBC’s job is to place the facts before its audience and let them decide what they think, honestly and without ranting. …There’s always someone who would like us to rant. Sorry, it’s not what we do.”

John Simpson

World Affairs Editor, BBC News

Good morning, it’s Monday 16th October.

The week ahead…

Monday: Parliament returns from conference recess.

Tuesday: Chinese President Xi Jinping will host representatives from over 130 nations for a two-day summit in Beijing.

Wednesday: UK House Price Index and private housing rental prices.

Thursday: Two more by-elections (Dorries and Pincher).

Asylum seekers set to return to the Bibby Stockholm.

RIBA Stirling Prize Awards.

Friday: Joe Biden hosts US-EU summit.

One year since resignation of Liz Truss.

Saturday: Cricket World Cup: England v South Africa.

“The biggest challenge of reporting on this conflict is just how emotive it is. Every word you say is being scrutinised so closely and is likely to be contested by one side or the other – or both – and that definitely adds to the pressure.”

Secunder Kermani 

Channel 4 news 

“As a journalist trying to tread the line of the grey areas – which are incredibly dark right now – is very, very hard because whatever you write, someone disagrees with you and you can face a lot of criticism for the way things have been phrased or put out there and at the same time you need to pursue the story and the truth.”  

Bel Trew

The Independent 

Two quotes from a Media Show Special on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Some of the content will be a little dated by now, but it is still a good listen on almost impossibly difficult conditions from which to report.


“Despite the current uncertainty, it is clear that Newsnight will continue into the future and I have no doubt it will thrive.”

Parting words from outgoing Newsnight editor Stewart Maclean to staff.

These are troubled times for the programme with reports managers are considering axing its team of correspondents and making the show more debate-led in its content.

Deadline has a good write-up – READ HERE

On the Inside Edge website – Tony’s A-Z of media training: 

U is for the UK:

Or one of the four nations. Or the region loosely called the East of England. If your audience is primarily from the “home“ country always bear that in mind when you are taking about a story with an international reach. Can the UK learn from the recycling practices in India? Are there shared characteristics between rural deprivation in the southern USA and where your regional audience are watching you in Devon and Cornwall? This isn’t being parochial. It is about connecting and bringing a topic close to home.


Southern Britain began a massive clear-up operation after the worst night of storms in living memory on this day in 1987.

Which gives us all an excuse to revisit this moment of TV history…

Highs today of 11 degrees in Lancaster and 12 in Aberdeen.

Finally the obligatory dog-pic photo. One has had a haircut, the other clearly needs one…

Be part of the MMB. Thoughts on this week’s content, or interviews you’ve seen, heard, or (best of all) done. We’re @insideedgemedia or just reply to this email. 

Have a brilliant week.

All at Inside Edge

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