Media Training For Charities
Course Overview
We show charities how to demonstrate impact, navigate negative news agendas, and showcase the human stories that media audiences crave.
With a media landscape which has hardened for charities, spokespeople learn how to develop a framework of control for every interview. Within that framework comes the glitter – if you align compelling examples of impact with ongoing news agendas, you can paint a lasting and powerful picture of your organisation. Attendees undergo a range of tailored interview simulations with time for playback and constructive, honest feedback. With examples drawn from the NGO sector to support learning, course components include:
Taking Control:
The importance of focus – shaping a top line in messaging | Linking to a top line without sounding evasive | Foregrounding impact | Effective story-telling
Establishing areas of contention and no-go areas
Studio Etiquette: The do’s and don’ts of being in a studio
Remote Etiquette: How to undertake an interview from home
Being accessible and memorable:
How to connect with the audience I Achieving substance under time pressure
Key principles in communicating effectively I Getting your language right | The power of specifics
Handling newspaper and online journalists:
Avoiding common pitfalls I Ensuring what you want to say ends up in print I Blurred lines between media formats
Workshop features:
- Coaching by experienced BBC journalists
- Realistic interviews
- Honest and constructive feedback
- Space for discussion and reflection
- Unique and comprehensive aftercare
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session, each attendee should be able to:
- Control interviews
- Paint pictures to support a key message
- Use language, energy and pace to appear authentic
- Tell a coherent story
- Prepare effectively in a short timescale
- Recognise the challenges of different interview and broadcast formats
- Undertake effective print briefings
This matters. Our coaching helps people raise their game, but staying at that level post-training takes support. That’s why everyone attending this course get access to the following:
- A follow-up phone call. This could be ahead of an important interview/presentation, or just a chance to clarify some of the important learning points covered during the session after the dust has settled.
- Online Resources. There’s a password-protected section of the site reserved for those who’ve attended our courses. Here you’ll find a host of resources including films, tips and some of the key aspects of the course pack to download.
- A weekly email, the Monday Media Briefing. Going strong since 2013, we shine a spotlight on a particular aspect of media training each week as well as review some of the key interviews and media trends of the last seven days.
Clients Include
- Mencap
- Stonewall
- Fareshare
- Samaritans
- Charity Comms
- Bliss
- Sustrans
- Royal Marsden
“A superb day – well planned and executed.”
Owen Adams
Pro Vice Chancellor, Durham University