Media Training For Researchers
Course Overview
We show researchers how to successfully strike the balance between retaining academic rigour and communicating with mainstream audiences.
A highly practical session where individuals undertake a series of radio and TV interviews customised to their particular research specialism. The simulations allow them to apply the strategies explored in the workshop which include:
Why bother engaging?
Taking Control:
The importance of focus – shaping a top line in messaging I Linking to a top line without sounding evasive I Foregrounding impact | Effective story-telling
Establishing areas of contention and no-go areas
Studio Etiquette: The do’s and don’ts of being in a studio
Remote Etiquette: How to undertake an interview from home
Being accessible and memorable:
How to connect with the audience I Achieving substance under time pressure
Key principles in communicating effectively I Getting your language right | The power of specifics
Handling newspaper and online journalists:
Avoiding common pitfalls | Ensuring what you want to say ends up in print | Blurred lines between media formats
Workshop features:
- Coaching by experienced BBC journalists
- Realistic interviews
- Honest and constructive feedback
- Space for discussion and reflection
- Unique and comprehensive aftercare
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session, each attendee should be able to:
- Control interviews
- Paint pictures to support a key message
- Use language, energy and pace to appear authentic
- Tell a coherent story
- Prepare effectively in a short timescale
- Recognise the challenges of different interview and broadcast formats
- Undertake effective print briefings
This matters. Our coaching helps people raise their game, but staying at that level post-training takes support. That’s why everyone attending this course get access to the following:
A follow-up phone call. This could be ahead of an important interview, or just a chance to clarify some of the important learning points covered during the session after the dust has settled.
Online Resources. There’s a password-protected section of the site reserved for those who’ve attended our courses. Here you’ll find a host of resources including films, tips and some of the key aspects of the course pack to download.
A weekly email, the Monday Media Briefing. Going strong since 2013, we shine a spotlight on a particular aspect of media training each week as well as review some of the key interviews and media trends of the last seven days.
Clients Include:
Alan Turing Institute
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Aston University
Babraham Institute
Berlin Humboldt University
British Academy
Canterbury Christchurch University
Cardiff University
City University
Chatham House
Cranfield University
Durham University
Economic and Social Research Council
Global Counsel
Goldsmiths, University of London
Institute for Fiscal Studies
Institute for Government
International CERN School of Physics
John Innes Centre
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Loughborough University
Open University
Oxford Brookes
Oxford University (NDORMS)
Queen’s University Belfast
Quadram Institute
King’s College London
National Centre for Atmospheric Science
National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Natural Environment Research Council
The Lancet
Research England
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Square Kilometre Array
UK In A Changing Europe
UK Research and Innovation
University College London
University of Bath
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
University of Chichester
University of East Anglia
University Of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Kent
University of Leicester
University of Portsmouth
University of South Wales
University of St Andrews
University of Sussex
University of Westminster
University of York
So what happens next?
We’ll flesh out the course overview so you have a fuller sense of how the coaching will look and feel. We can email this to you or schedule an online meeting, whichever you’d prefer. We’ll also provide costings.
If you’d like to speak to any of our current clients for an independent assessment of how we work we’ll also gladly pass on their details (with permission).
Above all, remember this is your session. We’ve been doing this for over 15 years and have a clear sense of what works and what doesn’t, so it might be that you’re happy to leave the detail to us. However if there are components you want included it’s up to us to ensure they are incorporated. This is highly bespoke coaching – and it’s helpful to have a quick chat early on in the process so we can ensure the session matches your exact requirements.
Call: 020 3051 2567
“A superb day -well planned and executed.”
Owen Adams
Pro Vice Chancellor, Durham University